
Scouting for adult weevils in western New York
Syngenta / Insects, Northeast / ABWs, Syngenta, WeevilTrak /
It is Monday morning, May 4, 2020. My first blog ever. Over the last 14 years, my routine has been; drive, scout, drive. Repeat over and over again. For those that know me, all my life I’ve been a field guy trying to kill insects. Not a desk person. I literally stink at typing. So […]

USGA – Northeast Update – A Rough Time
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Northeast, Weeds / Golf, golf cart, golf courses, pandemic /
While it goes without saying that this pandemic is affecting the entire golf community, it is also interesting to see how different regions have been affected by state-mandated closure of golf courses. The Northeast has been one of the hardest-hit parts of the country in this regard. Affected facilities have been generating little to no […]

USGA – West Update – Sign of the Tines
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Weeds, West / aeration, tine, USGA /
March, April and May are prime months for aeration. Air and soil temperatures are rising. Growing conditions are optimal for many of the cool-season turfgrasses grown in the West, and rain showers occur often enough that you have a great recipe for quick recovery after aeration. In recent discussions with superintendents in the Pacific Northwest, […]

Mole Crickets and Chipco Choice
Turf Diseases / Insects / chipco choice, Mole Crickets /
With less time these days for mole cricket ID, timing egg hatch, making multiple apps and waiting for the next full moon, Chipco Choice can help take this pest out of the equation. It’s one-time application has a yearlong guarantee! @BayerGolf #taketheguessworkout pic.twitter.com/5tFrwI2YzW — Zach Lane (@zlane14) April 24, 2020

Late Peak in ABW
Ben McGraw / Insects, Northeast / ABWs, Pennsylvania /
This year has had the longest period between initial ABW emergence and peak that I can remember. Pittsburgh only accumulated 7-8 GDDs this week- but enough to put us in the low end of the range for an adult app before the weekend. pic.twitter.com/fC9phZ9uO4 — Ben McGraw, Ph.D. (@TurfEnto) April 20, 2020

USGA – West Update
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Weeds, West / fraise mowing, Herbicides, poa annua /
Golf courses with bermudagrass fairways, whether overseeded or not, struggle to keep Poa annua at bay. Continued reliance on preemergence and postemergence herbicides has been shown to result in herbicide-resistant Poa annua plants. As an alternative to chemical control, golf courses in Arizona, southern Nevada and southern California have been using mechanical removal and seeing […]

USGA – Northeast Update
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Northeast, Weeds / ABWs, Brown Patch, Grubs, Pythium, Summer Patch /
Many golf courses that I’ve communicated with recently indicate that they are operating with a much-reduced staff and are starting to feel pressure to either eliminate items from the budget or at least to only buy and apply what is absolutely necessary to maintain plant health. If you are faced with tough decisions and budget […]

ABW & Craneflies in Western PA
Ben McGraw / Insects, Northeast / ABWs, Crane Flies /
ABW in western PA still not fully emerged. Expect peak early to mid next week. Crane flies also on the move, all over Pittsburgh and dropping eggs (in photo with Weevil). pic.twitter.com/Dw40g7RJqM — Ben McGraw, Ph.D. (@TurfEnto) April 14, 2020