Brown Patch in Charlotte, NC
Well, hello Brown Patch. Fescue end of May. Charlotte N.C. @KernsJim @turfbutler — Michael Vaughan (@Mvaughan33) May 27, 2020
Turf Diseases / Agronomy / Brown Patch, Charlotte NC, North Carolina /
Well, hello Brown Patch. Fescue end of May. Charlotte N.C. @KernsJim @turfbutler — Michael Vaughan (@Mvaughan33) May 27, 2020
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Northeast, Weeds / ABWs, Brown Patch, Grubs, Pythium, Summer Patch /
Many golf courses that I’ve communicated with recently indicate that they are operating with a much-reduced staff and are starting to feel pressure to either eliminate items from the budget or at least to only buy and apply what is absolutely necessary to maintain plant health. If you are faced with tough decisions and budget […]