Microdochium, Dollar Spot, and Anthracnose
What a week….. A little Michrodochium, Dollar Spot and my favorite Poa killer Anthracnose pic.twitter.com/mgDse0UJi2 — Andrew Dalton (@adaltonturf) May 29, 2020
Turf Diseases / Agronomy / Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, poa annua /
What a week….. A little Michrodochium, Dollar Spot and my favorite Poa killer Anthracnose pic.twitter.com/mgDse0UJi2 — Andrew Dalton (@adaltonturf) May 29, 2020
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Weeds, West / fraise mowing, Herbicides, poa annua /
Golf courses with bermudagrass fairways, whether overseeded or not, struggle to keep Poa annua at bay. Continued reliance on preemergence and postemergence herbicides has been shown to result in herbicide-resistant Poa annua plants. As an alternative to chemical control, golf courses in Arizona, southern Nevada and southern California have been using mechanical removal and seeing […]