
Episode 43: Turfgrass Pest Updates
Turf Diseases / #TurfChat, Agronomy, West / Pests, Turfgrass /
In this episode of #TurfChat, Drs. McGraw, Stowell, and Kaminski discuss the latest pest issues facing turfgrass managers for the week of May 18, 2020.

USGA – West Update – Plan Your Summer Fairway Aeration Program
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, West / aeration, USGA /
A study in New Zealand concluded that, “Beneficial effects of the twice yearly high pressure water injection cultivation and deep-tine cultivation treatments on soil physical properties and root growth were either extremely short-lived, or not yet apparent.” The study demonstrated the benefits of aeration, but also determined these benefits were only temporary. Multiple forms of […]

Episode 42: Irrigation Water, Salts, and Sand Capping.
Turf Diseases / #TurfChat, Agronomy, West / Irrigation Water, Recycled Water, Salts, SAR /
In this episode of #TurfChat, Dr. Larry Stowell (Pace Turf), Mike Huck (Irrigation and Turf Services), and Jeff Beardsley (formerly Big Canyon Country Club) discuss the use of recycled water on golf courses and talk about some unique things clubs are doing to take back control of the limited water supply. Larry discussed recycled water […]

USGA – West Update – Sign of the Tines
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Weeds, West / aeration, tine, USGA /
March, April and May are prime months for aeration. Air and soil temperatures are rising. Growing conditions are optimal for many of the cool-season turfgrasses grown in the West, and rain showers occur often enough that you have a great recipe for quick recovery after aeration. In recent discussions with superintendents in the Pacific Northwest, […]

USGA – West Update
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Diseases, Insects, Weeds, West / fraise mowing, Herbicides, poa annua /
Golf courses with bermudagrass fairways, whether overseeded or not, struggle to keep Poa annua at bay. Continued reliance on preemergence and postemergence herbicides has been shown to result in herbicide-resistant Poa annua plants. As an alternative to chemical control, golf courses in Arizona, southern Nevada and southern California have been using mechanical removal and seeing […]

Rust in California
Turf Diseases / Diseases, West / Kentucky Bluegrass, Rust /
A spectacular orange lawn. Rust on Kentucky bluegrass pic.twitter.com/15Km2gPCmK — Maggie Reiter (@maggie_reiter) April 13, 2020

Prominent Pest Predictions
Lawn & Landscape / Diseases, Insects, Mid West, Northeast, South, Weeds, West /
Last year, the experts Lawn & Landscape interviewed about insects and pests almost uniformly said that a wet, warm winter made it unclear what problems LCOs would face over the spring and summer.Some things never change – experts say there’s no way of knowing for sure what will be this year’s prominent problems. But those […]