Dollar Spot
Microdochium, Dollar Spot, and Anthracnose
Turf Diseases / Agronomy / Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, poa annua /
What a week….. A little Michrodochium, Dollar Spot and my favorite Poa killer Anthracnose — Andrew Dalton (@adaltonturf) May 29, 2020
Hunker Down, Height Up – April Update: University of Missouri Turf Pathology
Lee Miller / Agronomy, Diseases, Mid West, South, Weeds / COVID19, Dollar Spot, fairy ring, forecast, Large Patch, preemergent herbicides, Pythium Root Rot, weather /
Weather March came and went somehow very slowly, and quickly at the same time. Temperatures for most in the region were 3-5+ degrees above normal, sending spring plant growth into a quick flurry. Forsythias, daffodil, and redbud blooms bursted quickly, our obvious phenological signs to get the preemergents out. Now in early April, growing degree […]
Paul Koch Talks Spring Diseases
Greenkeeper App / Agronomy, Diseases, Mid West, Northeast, Southeast, West / Dollar Spot, Pythium Root Rot, Summer Patch, Take All Patch /
This week Dr. Paul Koch, Turfgrass Pathologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, joined the GreenkeeperApp team to talk about spring disease control. Topics included spring root diseases like take-all and summer patch, dollar spot control and modeling, cultural practices and disease control, and Pythium root rot.
Managing Turf Diseases on Golf Courses During COVID-19 Pandemic
Travis Russell / Diseases, Northeast, Southeast / Anthracnose, Cream Leaf Blight, Dollar Spot, Large Patch, Take All Root Rot /
The Carolinas GCSA has been active in providing digital materials for superintendents and turfgrass managers on how to best maintain turfgrass during the coronavirus pandemic with limited staff and even less play. The first video in this series was an interview with Dr. Bert McCarty (Clemson) and Dr. Fred Yelverton (North Carolina State) discussing maintenance […]
Turf Disease March Madness
Travis Russell / Diseases / Dollar Spot, Madness /
The turfgrass community is a close-knit group of hardworking, passionate individuals. As the coronavirus continues to impact our normal way of living including taking care of our facilities, turfies are still finding ways to gather, talk turf, and laugh a bit through social media and video conferencing. Turfgrass researchers are no exception, as a group […]
How the Smith-Kerns model can help maximize dollar spot control
Turf Diseases / Diseases / Dollar Spot /
By Matt Giese, technical services manager, Syngenta, and Paul Koch, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-MadisonOriginally published in Golf Course Industry magazine on May 22, 2019.With the recent introduction of a model that reliably predicts when dollar spot will first appear in a specific geography, it’s important to familiarize yourself with how it can be best used […]