White Leaf on Bermudagrass
Turf Diseases / Diseases, South, Southeast, Southwest /
some bermudagrass white leaf showing up in selections during the greenup period… — Mike Richardson (@ArkansasTurf) April 12, 2020
Turf Disease Control in the Wake of COVID-19
Rick Latin / Diseases, Mid West, Northeast, South, Southeast, Southwest, West / Diseases, turfmetrics /
Even in the best of economic times, golf course owners and administrators often ask “How can we reduce our chemical costs?” Now, as a virus-induced recession threatens, such questions will be more commonplace—perhaps with a sense of urgency. As budgets are reexamined, I suggest resisting the temptation (or pressure?) to shortchange your fungicide program. Pathogen […]
New Pest in Desert Southwest
Ben McGraw / Insects, Southwest / Flea beetle /
As if growing turf in the Mojave Desert (the area surrounding southeastern California, southern Nevada, southwest Utah and northwest Arizona) isn’t difficult enough, turfgrass managers in the region may be dealing with an emerging insect pest issue. Regular sampling of courses in southern Utah over the past two seasons has determined that a flea beetle […]