
USGA Update – Southeast Region – Cool, Beautiful Weather Is A Welcome Reprieve
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Southeast / USGA /
As many golf course superintendents navigate maintaining their golf course with staffing or budget reductions, the recent cool weather has slowed warm-season turf growth and helped many remain on top of mowing. Here are several observations and considerations regarding this cool weather and its impact on golf courses in the Southeast: The nice weather and […]

USGA Update – Southeast Region – Roughs–Making the Cut
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Southeast / mowing, weed control, weed suppression /
As more golf courses are experiencing cuts in staffing and budgets, I am getting requests for help and ideas on ways to maintain and operate a golf course with a reduced maintenance budget. Roughs account for the greatest percentage of maintained acreage of most golf courses and are a good place to look for savings. […]

USGA Update – Southeast Region
United States Golf Association / Agronomy, Southeast / Primo Maxx, trinexapac-ethyl /
Superintendents across the Southeast are looking for ways to maintain their golf course with fewer staff members. Slowing flushes of warm-season turf growth with applications of trinexapac-ethyl – i.e., Primo MAXX® or post-patent products – is an important part of reducing mowing inputs and other labor costs. Getting the most out of these applications is […]

Mole Crickets in NC
NC State / Insects, Southeast / Mole Crickets, North Carolina /
Mole Cricket Adult, photo by M. Bertone (NCSU)Recognize these guys? Over the past several years, mole crickets have become a serious turf pest in the eastern and southern parts of the state, especially along the North Carolina coast. This year, with a mild winter/warm spring and considerable rainfall, mole crickets have become a big problem […]

White Leaf on Bermudagrass
Turf Diseases / Diseases, South, Southeast, Southwest /
some bermudagrass white leaf showing up in selections during the greenup period… pic.twitter.com/fZ33W8Q8nA — Mike Richardson (@ArkansasTurf) April 12, 2020

Turf Disease Control in the Wake of COVID-19
Rick Latin / Diseases, Mid West, Northeast, South, Southeast, Southwest, West / Diseases, turfmetrics /
Even in the best of economic times, golf course owners and administrators often ask “How can we reduce our chemical costs?” Now, as a virus-induced recession threatens, such questions will be more commonplace—perhaps with a sense of urgency. As budgets are reexamined, I suggest resisting the temptation (or pressure?) to shortchange your fungicide program. Pathogen […]